
We've Reached 100: But Who's Counting?
- Scott Barron
- March 10, 2025
We all count things, don't we? Memorable things that happen, milestones of significance. These things we do each day add up, and they make a difference.
For instance, here at Educators Fellowship, we just completed our 100th episode of the Educators Among Us Podcast! That’s a milestone, and we thank you so much for your support.
But is the big number as important as each moment along the way? People are counting on us. We count on each other. As all of our days are numbered, it’s important to know “what counts”.
Man is fond of counting his troubles, but he does not count his joys.
If he counted them up as he ought to,
he would see that every lot has enough happiness provided for it.
— Fyodor Dostoevsky
Celebrating milestones is an important part of life. We start counting from the very beginning: The first word, first steps, first time riding a bike, first diving board leap. It continues to our first place finish, first date, first dance, and first driver's license.
We learn HOW to count because math is such an important skill in life, but learning WHAT to count gives greater clarity in measuring our growth, progress, and impact.
Teach us to give and not to count the cost.
— Saint Ignatius
Motivation comes in various forms from inside and outside, but the most important impetus for us is knowing that other people are counting on us to deliver our best.
They count on us to provide consistency and integrity, where they have confidence in our day-to-day conduct and know that we will follow through on commitments.
Anyone who chooses this vocation may count the cost. Some barely endure the wear and tear on body, mind, and spirit—Others grow in strength through the resistance!
Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
— Psalm 90:12
Remembering our days are numbered elevates our sense of urgency and humility. Urgency gives energy to avoid the traps of worry, distraction, and procrastination.
We're here by design, created on purpose for a purpose, to light the path for others. Humility enables us to grow in knowledge and still tame the accompanying pride. Arrogance is stifled when a faithful heart counts Truth and Wisdom as most worthy.
Count what matters most this week, Bryan, that you may gain a heart of wisdom.
Scott Barron
Scott E. Barron is the founder of Yabwi. As entrepreneur, author, and educator, his passion is helping people and organizations achieve greater purpose and joy.